Attached a copy of the lobby pack that supports the Queen’s speech. Here are some…
Rule of Six Guidance – COVID 19
The Government has published further guidance on the new “Rule of Six” including a FAQ (note that this applies just to England)
- Meeting Others Safely
This new guidance provides more detail on the exemptions, which include:
- Weddings
- Education and training
- Work or voluntary/charitable services
- Some organised indoor and outdoor sports, physical activity and exercise classes (further linked details are provided on this)
- Youth groups or activities
The guidance also clarifies that COVID-19 secure venues can continue to host people up to their social distancing capacity but that no one can visit in a group of more than 6 (except for the exemptions and where the household (including bubble) is greater than 6)
- Rule of Six FAQ
There is also a FAQ document to go with the guidance which states, among other things:
- People should not go on holiday in England with people outside their household (including bubble) in a group larger than 6 people
- Where people can travel to or what they can do on a holiday is not affected provided that the group size is not exceeded
- This does not change the guidance on what to do if someone catches Coronavirus while on holiday