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COVID-19 Update 17th August 2020

Second round of claims for Self-Employment Income Support Scheme now open for businesses impacted since 14 July

The Self-Employment Income Support Scheme claim service is now accepting the second round of applications. Eligible self-employed applicants may apply to receive a second and final government grant worth 70% of their average monthly trading profits, up to £6,570.

Anyone whose self-employed business has been adversely affected by coronavirus since 14 July is eligible to apply for the scheme. Guidance is available to help potential applicants decide if your business has been adversely affected by coronavirus, check if you’re eligible for the scheme and learn about how different circumstances might affect your eligibility to submit a claim.

DfT advice on self-isolation after transiting through non-travel corridor countries

Further to the update on Friday regarding self-isolation after transiting through countries by car, ferry, coaches, trains, etc that are not exempt from quarantine rules, advice from DfT today is as follows:

The circumstances of whether self-isolation would be required is governed by that of the transport operator – so for Eurotunnel this is very straightforward as travellers do not need to exit their vehicle and therefore can avoid mixing with people. Unfortunately this would be more difficult for those travelling by ferry as passengers need to disembark their vehicle and leave the car deck, so would mix with other travellers before arriving back in the UK, and therefore need to self-isolate.

Here is the guidance for quarantining after travelling through transit stops and travelling with private vehicles:

Transit stops

A transit stop is a stop where passengers can get on or off. It can apply to coaches, ferries, trains or flights. Your ticket should show if a stop is a transit stop.

If your journey involves a transit stop in a country not on the list, you will need to self-isolate when you arrive in England if:

  • New passengers get on
  • You or other passengers get off the transport you are on and mix with other people, then get on again

You don’t need to self-isolate beyond normal timescales if, during your transit stop in a non-exempt country:

  • No new passengers get on
  • No-one on-board gets off and mixes with people outside
  • Passengers get off but do not get back on

Private vehicles

You don’t need to self-isolate if you travel through a non-exempt country and you don’t stop in the country.

If you do make a stop, you don’t need to self-isolate if:

  • No new people get into the vehicle
  • No-one in the vehicle gets out, mixes with other people, and gets in again

You do need to self-isolate if you make a stop and:

  • New people get into the vehicle, or
  • Someone gets out of the vehicle, mixes with other people and gets in again

Free Advice Clinic

On Thursday, 20th August, at 10.30am, The Hospitality Insurance Group Action (HIGA) is offering a FREE Advice Clinic for hotels, restaurants, cafés, bars, and other businesses within the hospitality sector who may be unsure about the right way to proceed with their Covid19 business interruption insurance claims.  Hospitality businesses who wish to attend can register by sending an email to

Situation update 17 August 2020
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