Within the Association of Group Travel Organisers the Kent branch is unique inasmuch that it’s contained in a sole English county.
Its membership covers a wide range of clubs and organisations ranging from business communities, U3As, KENTARA and other retirement associations, WI s, gardening, theatre and many more similar clubs.
The membership of the Kent Branch has sadly been reduced since the AGM in September 2019 when it stood at 75 to a current level 57 members. The restrictions to Group Travel caused by the Coronavirus sited as the main reason for non-renewals
The aim is to ensure its members are aware of and make full use of the facilities, arrangements and assistance of the “Association”.
The Branch holds quarterly days out during the year at various attractions both within and out of Kent. During these days out an hour would be set aside for a branch meeting. Members and guests are always made welcome and given the opportunity to introduce themselves and speak about what their clubs and organisations have being doing or have arranged. Likewise when associate members attend the meetings they are given a slot to introduce themselves and what they have to offer Members are encouraged to participant and one of our key objectives is to share our experiences of outings, short breaks and holidays. Telling how it was, the good, the bad and the ugly together with advice of how to book and enjoy it.
All AGTO members whether individual or Associates are most welcome to join us at our publicised meetings and an invitation is open to any non-members to come along and see what the Association has to offer Group Travel.
Don’t forget to join the AGTO facebook page here.
Not a member? Join here today!
Branch Chairman: David Steele – tel (07889) 936396; email associate-membership@agto.co.uk
Treasurer: Alison Holloway – tel (01797) 367067; email alisonehollway@hotmail.com
Secretary: Patricia Speakman – tel (01233) 665621; patriciaspeakman27@yahoo.com
Committee Member: Eileen Booker – tel (01227) 765917; email bookertrip@live.co.uk
Committee Member: Carol Gower – tel (01580) 712521; email cbaoutings@gmail.com
Committee Member: Linda Sharp – tel (07930) 357680; email ianjsharp49@aol.com
Committee Member: Jim Silvester – tel (01474) 704782; email jamessilvester600@msn.com
Board Director: David Steele – tel (07889) 936396; email associate-membership@agto.co.uk
Accounts Verification: Pam Freer
AGTO Magazine Co-ordination: Vacancy
To contact the Branch please email.
Recent Activity
A number of branch members were present at Dunwood Travel’s Conference at Potters Resort, Hopton at the beginning of January.
Our branch Secretary Patricia Speakman won First Prize in the raffle and looks forward to her holiday in Cyprus later in the year.
Our member Janice Biffen won a Dunwood award for organising holidays with them.